Status Inspection & Design ®
Real Estate Inspection Service506-461-0549
Status Inspection & Design ®Conducts its real estate inspection service following
The Code Of Ethics Of
The New Brunswick Society Of
Certified Engineering Technicians
And Technologists ( NBSCETT )
Duty To The Public
- Members shall protect, to the fullest extent, the interests of their employers and provide protection for the public's welfare.
- Members will not deliberately misrepresent qualifications or abilities or lay claim to qualifications they do not possess to further their own ambitions at the expense of employer, clients or colleagues.
- Members shall undertake only such work as they are competent to perform by virtue of their training and experience.
- Members shall, at all times, discourage exaggerated or untrue statements concerning any project for which they are a part.
- Members shall always endeavor to return full value for remuneration received and strive constantly for increased knowledge and improvement within the bounds of their field of practice.
- Members of the Society agree to uphold these ethical standards, known as the "Code of Ethics", and also encourage, by advice and example, others to adhere to these standards.
- Members shall disclose to an employer or client the possibility of a conflict of interest, if such conflict could be detrimental to the interests of either party.
- Members will not directly or indirectly use any information, confidential or otherwise, which is adverse or detrimental to the interests of the employer or client.
- Members shall not disclose confidential information concerning the business affairs or the technical processes of their present or former employers without their consent.
- Members or persons attempting to obtain membership will not, by word or deed, deliberately and maliciously attempt to injure the reputation of the Society or its members.
- Members will endeavor to co-operate with others and agree to the dissemination of new methods and technical knowledge, providing they are not placed in violation of any part of the Society's "Code of Ethics".