Status Inspection & Design ®

Real Estate Inspection Service        Est.1989

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Photo of Chuk MacDonald
Chuk MacDonald, our Inspector has completed over 4000 inspections and has over 45 years in construction, design and inspection field.

If you are trying to protect your real estate purchase by hiring the cheapest Inspector OR if you think that all Inspectors are created equal (thus all Doctors, Lawyers, Mechanics, Engineers, Carpenters, etc. are equal) and provide the same level of service, maybe this site is not for you.
We may not be the cheapest or the most expensive but Status Inspection & Design ® always provides the best Real Estate investment protection you can buy.

Guide To Pre-Purchase Home Inspections

What is a Pre-purchase Inspection?
A professional visual examination of a building's construction to: verify the nature and condition of its components, ascertain the need and priority of any major repairs, suggest ways to reduce operating and maintenance costs, uncover any hazards and safety concerns, inform and familiarize the Purchaser with the property and ascertain the need and priority of major repairs and upgrades.

Topics discussed in the guide include: scheduling and co-ordinating the inspection, Vendor Disclosure Forms (Property Disclosure Forms), Atlantic New Home Warranties, Walk-Thru Inspections, Appraisals, Referals to Inspectors, etc.

Inspection Contracts...the Fine Print

Caveat emptor is Latin for "Let the buyer beware" The purpose of the Pre-Purchase Inspection is to protect the Purchaser NOT to meet and remove the Inspection Condition of the Offer.

The Devil is in the Details so Buyer Beware. Know what you are getting, what the Inspector's liability is regarding errors and omissions and what your recourse is in case of dispute or claim.

Before you hire an Inspector, ask if you are required to sign a Contract (Visual Inspection Agreement) and if so, ask to see the Contract. The Inspection industry in New Brunswick is unregulated, Contracts are not standardized and in general, only Franchised Inspection Firms require signing of contracts.

Visual Inspection Agreements typically limit the Inspector's liability for any non-discovery of patent or latent defects to the fee paid for the inspection. However, the more serious limitation is that in the event of a controversy or claim between the Buyer and the Inspector, the Buyer must agree to submit the matter to binding Arbitration before taking any further legal action.

Directory of Local Home Inspectors

This directory includes available contact mobile, fax and office numbers, email addresses and websites of local Inspectors who do home inspections. Since it is the Inspector's credentials, qualifications and experience NOT the fee that provide maximum Buyer protection, Purchasers are strongly advised to talk to Inspectors directly.

Agents and Realtors should NOT be used as a primary source of referrals to Inspectors. Why? There is a conflict of interest when a Realtor or Agent refers a Buyer to Inspectors because Realtors / Agents normally earn their commissions based on completed sales fulfilling the Vendor's desire / need to sell.

Beware of Being Short-listed
Agents / Realtors typically declare that they are not allowed to direct Buyers to specific Inspectors but often provide Buyers with 3 or 4 names from which to choose an Inspector. Known as 'short-listing', this effectively allows Agents / Realtors to manipulate which Inspectors the Buyers contact / use. S hould an inspection fail to divulge major issue(s), the Realtor / Agent can simply say "The Buyer chose the Inspector."
See List

Directory of Local Real Estate Agencies

This directory is provided as a public service. Status Inspection & Design has no affiliation to any Agency (Real Estate Company) or Realtor (Real Estate Salesperson) nor do we pay for any referrals.
See Directory

Do-It-Yourself Home Inspections

It's difficult for a Home Buyer to remain objective when examining the house on which he or she has got his heart set. Some Buyers have tunnel vision and only see the kitchen, the bathrooms, the bedrooms or visions of what it could be. Others have just enough construction knowledge to be dangerous. What you don't know can really hurt you and you can't sue yourself. One of the most unfortunate ways to ruin a friendship or relation, is to have a relative or friend do an Inspection where something major is overlooked.
35th year in Business Anniversary Logo

Scott Ross    2019-03-09
"Chuk is simply the best in the business at doing home inspections. I have used Chuk as an Inspector (5) times and he never misses anything. Chuk has been an independent contractor and has seen the shortcuts and mistakes that people have made in building homes and he knows what these mistakes can lead to. He is very thorough and does an excellent job at explaining potential issues that may come up. The photographs that Chuk takes really help in giving a good visual presentation of issues and he is very good at taking the time (after the inspection is done) to go over the report. I have bought buildings in other locations out of Chuk's range and I have never had the same results and level of detail that Chuk provides."
Trustpilot link

Code of Ethics

Status Inspection & Design ®conducts its real estate inspection service following The Code Of Ethics Of The New Brunswick Society Of Certified Engineering Technicians And Technologists ( NBSCETT ) "Members shall disclose to an employer or client the possibility of a conflict of interest. Status does not have an issue with conflict of interest as we openly and publicly declare,
"We work for the Buyer NOT for the Realtor or Agent."

City of Fredericton Website

Bilingual website includes contact info and links to Community (Art and Culture, Community Services, Festivals, etc.), Economic Development, Recreation, Roads & Parking, Transit, Waste & Recycling, Fire Department Police Department, City Hall, Calendar of Events and much more.

New Brunswick Road Conditions

Current road conditions, visibility, weather warnings, Public advisories / alerts, maps, road closures, ferries, border crossings, etc.
Check road conditions

New Brunswick Weather Conditions

Current weather conditions, 7 day forecasts, air quality, weather warnings, etc.
Check Weather

Service New Brunswick

One stop centre for Property Assessment, Land Registry & Mapping, Vehicle registration renewal, drivers licence, driving tests, Health and wellness, Change of address, Find a doctor,etc.
FYI: Chuk MacDonald designed the first two SNB Facilities (one in Woodstock and one in Caraquet)
Go To SNB Site

Service NB Maps

GeoNB provides free access to geographic information including topographical maps, aerial photos, flood risk maps, bedrock geology maps,community boundary maps, Crown Land Conservation Area maps, digital property maps, etc.
View Maps

University of New Brunswick

Established in 1785, UNB is the oldest English-language university in Canada. The UNB website includes links to the Academic Calendar, Faculty and Departments, UNB Libraries, UNB Bookstores, Registrar's Office, Research & Innovations Partnerships and much more.
UNB Website

St. Thomas University

St. Thomas University is unique in Canada with a sole focus to a liberal arts education.
STU Website

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